Wear a wrist watch
When I was young I always wore a watch. The combination of my Casio and my nerdy-ness were a perfect match. Plus, to the annoyance of everyone else, I used 24hr time because that’s how I liked it dammit.
Now, everyone just uses their phone. But I recently discovered the true value of a wrist watch in our smart-phone riddled world — it stops you checking your damn phone so much.
You know the drill, you go to check the time, and now you’re 30 posts deep into your Facebook feed, and ironically you still don’t know what the time is when someone asks (or scarily how much time has passed since you went to check).
So it, turns out, if you wear a watch, you don’t go reaching for your phone so much. Plus, you have it on you all the time. Wear it to bed, when you wake up, you can check the time on your watch, rather than your phone, preventing the whole 20 minutes lying in bed checking your phone between waking and moving. All good things.
Inevitable people ask, well what about smart watches? Technically a smart watch is fine, but they have this one very unappealing feature. They are connected. Which means you start getting alerts, and pings on your watch. Now you’ve just switched from a phone you check throughout the day to a device that is attached to you which you check even more frequently. Not good people. If you can keep it disconnected, a smart watch works as well. Same goes for the various fitness trackers out there.
If in doubt, stick to those old fangled watches that just tell you the date and time, and make sure it is comfortable to wear.